
Soul Guided Breakthroughs

For people who want to
get unstuck
blocks and fears
like money issues, fear of speaking, ineffective sales calls, self-sabotage, procrastination, lack of confidence, low self worth, attracting unhappy relationships or clients, fear of flying, writer’s block… or to
a challenging situation.

And for soulful entrepreneurs who

seek deep clarity

about your on-purpose business, goals and big vision, on-point messaging, and irresistible offerings…

All so that you can move forward with peace and power, and make the difference you are here to make with

ease and joy


“Amazing and very powerful! I haven’t felt this way in a long time”

Thank you so much for everything!!! The Breakthrough Session was amazing and very powerful.


feel so light and great, I haven’t felt this way for a long time!
I can’t wait to do the rest of your Transform Your Money Story program.

Have a beautiful rest of the week. You are

such a blessing in my life
and I am so glad the Universe put you on my path.

Love and blessings,

Ilona Berkoben MD

“Blew Me Away! Very Powerful Experience.”

I just recently experienced Pamela’s Money Breakthrough Session. I had never done anything like this before, and approached the session with curiosity and detachment just in case ‘nothing worked’.

Needless to say, writing this testimonial is your clue that

it blew me away

Within the first few minutes I experienced a HUGE shift that I was heretofore not aware had been lurking in my subconscious,

preventing me from earning the income I desired
. That shift happened within the first 10 minutes. I continued to experience more awakenings and shifts.
Mind blowing work!
I left with notes so I could review it again, and action steps to celebrate. (Something I tend to not do; I just forget to create any ‘play’ time or celebration for something I’ve accomplished…)

When you

want to trust someone and open blocks, I highly recommend
seeking out Dr. Pamela Moss. Very powerful experience.
Very professional
person and
very nurturing
process. I don’t believe you’ll be disappointed. I certainly wasn’t!

Jo Ellen Newman, MBA



“I let go of ‘staying small’ – and Target called out of the blue to offer corporate sponsorship!”

I was at my wits end.
I knew I was more than ready to step up, had an ‘inkling’ of what I have to offer, and yet was at a loss as to how to move forward.

In my Breakthrough Session, I finally “GOT IT”! Pamela

helped me see just how much value I offer and I started to claim who I am

A month later, I re-launched The Dynamic U, took The Native Circle national, and finally owned what I’m worth! I let go of ‘staying small’!

Now I’ve

gathered a support team
who are so enrolled in what I’m doing that they help me
for free
, and just yesterday Target Corporation’s national headquarters called ME out of the blue to offer their corporate sponsorship!

I highly recommend Pamela if you want the

clarity & confidence to grow your dreams into reality!

Laura K. Vannah, Founding Executive Director,
The Native Circle Touch The Earth Festival
Know You MATTER Festival


“You are the bomb! My Breakthrough Session made a HUGE difference!”

“You are the bomb!

After my awesome breakthrough with you, I was
invited out of the blue
to be a connector — connecting people with projects to be funded to a $900 billion dollar funding source. About 12 projects from my sources went in, one of which is $9 billion.

The commission on almost any of these will

leave me never concerned with money again.
Many thanks for your stellar session. It made a HUGE difference.”

Lorelei Fenton


“SO valuable in bringing me back to Heart and the business vision I was looking for!”

The Breakthrough Session I had with you this week was SO valuable in bringing me the vision I was looking for, just too close to see. I am now able to move forward with Your Business On Cruise™, my new service to small businesses owners – the people I think make a real difference on this planet.

Before talking to you

I was all over the map with what I “could” offer
. I have so many skills and so much knowledge from my years as an independent business owner consulting to Fortune 100s.
I was flummoxed, stopped, not sure
what to offer or how to deliver my services
in a way that would satisfy my own personal values.

That all changed during our session
. You got me back to Heart, back to what I would love to do. You helped me clarify what would serve my clients, be the most fun for me, and produce a lucrative income.

Pamela, I appreciate your

listening skills
. I needed that! Your listening, combined with your own
innate wisdom
, has helped me to clarify and even grow what is possible. Thank you!

With gratitude,

Shauna E. VanderHoek, Florida
Consultant, Your Business On Cruise

“Wow! What a mind-blowing experience!”

Wow! What a mind-blowing experience to do a Breakthrough Session with you.
I feel like I now have new clarity in life, and I have a lot of work to do bring it all to fruition.

My whole life feels like it is put back on track
. Thank you!”

Marcia Pierce-Rasmussen, New York

“My stress has disappeared. I’m AMAZED!”

“I had

all kinds of energy for hours after
the session, even though I was tired before the call.

Now I think about what I need to do

without feeling stressed
– which is HUGE! I’m
I can do it well. I feel more
peaceful and calmer, happy and buoyant
inside. My stress has disappeared. I’m AMAZED!

Lisa Fernandez,
Jazz Musician, Compost Theater Actress, and Lover of Life

“I stopped self-destructive habits and got inner knowing & confidence… continues to have a
profoundly positive impact on my lif
e and business!”

Before working with Pamela, I had
that prevented me from opening up my heart. Many of these fears were irrational and completely imaginary — yet they still made me feel
and caused me to
procrastinate, sabotage relationships, lose professional opportunities
, and
not take care of myself.

Just 2 sessions with Pamela allowed me to stop acting out on self-destructive habits, and create

a daily lifestyle that supports me
to open my heart to myself, others, and all of my life. Pamela’s work has also helped me
trust the power that is within me.

With this new-found trust in my power, I’ve had

more confidence
in advertising my business and speaking to clients about the benefit of the work I do, and as a result, my
finances are improving
. But the biggest gift I received from our work was re-connecting with
my heart space
. Being connected to this space affects every aspect of my life and has
improved my decision making
given me power and energy

Working with Pamela was like talking to a coach, friend, mentor, healer, and professional adviser all at once. She is

gifted at listening
and helping me create my own empowering ideas, so that I feel like my teacher is always inside me. She makes me feel at ease and confident; her enthusiasm is inspiring and contagious. Pamela is expert at providing a safe and supportive space where transformation can take place, which
allows my own innate wisdom to come to the surface
. She enabled me to
lead a more confident and clear life

Me 2 years later:

If you are considering working with Pamela, she will listen genuinely to your desires and help you find

simple and powerful ways to
release unconscious blocks
that are unnecessarily taking away energy from pursuing your dreams.
It works!

Pamela, you have

given me the greatest gift — the teacher inside me
— and I will be forever grateful!

Ethan Sisser, Internal Alchemist, SomaVeda Thai Yoga Therapist and Instructor,
Maui, Hawaii

“Your ability was truly remarkable!”

“Your ability to facilitate my discovery process was truly remarkable!

What a joy to talk with you
and have you
identify such clear targets
to address for positive change.

Your listening was so present that I was encouraged to

dig deep and expose very important points
that had been running in the background. Thank you.”

JD Starman,
Powerlearn Technologies

“Now I can own my work, speak about it articulately, and magnetize new clients to me! HUGE block broken up.”

Less than 30 days after my session — where we worked on my

subconscious blocks to
uncover and step into my calling
— I have been able to own my work, speak to it, magnetize new contacts and articulate my results to these interested people. And I just had
5 discovery calls in 24 hours
! I have never before been able to
speak so articulately
and straight to the person’s pain point, in a way that
felt authentic and in integrity

In my session with Pamela I revealed that I am ‘a coach for coaches’ (though I had been consciously saying “no” to this, because it was so big

I hardly dared say it
…). I am a coach to women who have a big calling but haven’t yet been able to see the vision for themselves, because they are still seeking the answer out there somewhere. They find themselves unfulfilled after having tried everything, and they are secretly seeking a spiritual answer to what ails them.

Pamela helped me to integrate into my subconscious mind, “

I know what I do, I know what I provide, and I naturally magnetize visionaries to work with me
.” And BAM!
I finally have been able to open my mouth and speak to what I do.
HUGE block broken up.

Chloë Rain, Seattle WA

“You definitely worked your magic and delivered on your promise!”

“THANK YOU for our Breakthrough call yesterday!! I’m sorry

I just could not stop talking because
there was so much clarity!
Which came in through the day and the few days before, so you definitely have worked your ‘magic’ and delivered on your ‘promise’…”

3 weeks later: “Guess what, I

finished writing my first (short) book!!!

Yessica, Netherlands

“Genuine, heart-centered approach, powerful techniques — I made big shifts in my life and business.”

“Before my Breakthrough Session with Pamela I was unsure how to proceed with my business – I felt

stuck, overwhelmed and unable to see how to move things forward

During the session, Pamela guided me to uncover the true source of my confusion (which was different than I had thought). Her empowering and supportive approach allowed me to move through my limitations and tap into the insights that I needed. Now I feel

lighter, have a stronger sense of purpose and clarity, and an action plan
for moving forward. Thank you Pamela!”

I also did the “Transform Your Money Story” course and when I first started this course,

I was stuck
in many areas of my life. Using the powerful techniques that Pamela teaches, I have been able to shift so many things – my
business has improved
. I feel like I
came alive again after an intensely difficult year
, and I’m making changes that I’ve wanted for a long time.
I feel stronger, more trusting and empowered.

Pamela has a genuine, authentic and heard-centered approach, and

I highly recommend this to anyone who is looking for a deep and powerful transformation
in their business life!

Melody Rae Jones,
Wisdom Coach & Mentor


“I just couldn’t make myself work — Thank God the block has lifted!”

“I kept telling myself,

“I’ve gotta get out of this! I’ve got to make money!”
I had no shortage of work, but
I just couldn’t make myself do it
. I wasn’t able to respond to people who reached out to me for help; I wasn’t able to do work; I wasn’t able to do the things I needed to do — like get my taxes done on time (I had to pay a penalty last year).

With over a year of this, my finances went down the drain. I was really worried — but I

didn’t know how to break through
whatever was stopping me!

This one session turned all that around. Pamela helped me

uncover the root of the problem
unconsciously I was punishing myself
for missing a call from my mom before she died last year. Pamela helped me see that I’d been a very loving daughter who had done the absolute best I could to take care of Mom, and missing that one call wasn’t “unforgivable” as I’d thought. I was finally able to
forgive myself
deep down. Then I realized, “
I don’t need that voice mail from Mom anymore
” — I’d saved it for over a year. And I deleted it.

When I let that go, SO much unblocked in me
! Now when people reach out to me for help I respond, I can work, I’m making money again, I even got my taxes done EARLY this year. So that block has lifted. It’s huge. Oh thank God, it’s lifted!

Update 2 months later: “I am starting a new job next week with an

increase of $25,000
!! It came out of the blue… I wasn’t looking! It had to be from the work we did.”

Sue Parker

“Cured my long-time fear of flying! I never would have thought it possible.”

“I was

afraid of flying for as long as I could remember
. Not completely disabled, but definitely full of fear that would build weeks ahead of a trip. I’d have
stomach aches, anxiety, make ‘deals’ with myself
to make myself to go… I figured I just had to bear with my fears (I’m really a self-sufficient person).

But this session with Pamela cured me!
I never would’ve thought it possible. With her
gentle guidance
, I explored the roots of my fears and learned how to lay them to rest. I’m a
pretty private person
and I was
surprised at how comfortable
Pamela made me feel working through these personal feelings.

After the session, I

literally had a plane to catch
— and guess what? Using my new understanding of
how to communicate with my inner self
that Pamela taught me, my fears were GONE. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to fly several more times. The fear really is gone! My work
colleagues are amazed
. I’m now
comfortable planning and leading meetings abroad,
as well as family vacations, knowing that I won’t have to deal with the stress of my fear. I’m free to fly now, in every way!”

Coowe Walker,

“A small miracle! Got the answer to questions that have plagued me for most of my life!”

For decades I had been berating myself, “

What is wrong with me? Why am I sabotaging myself?
Why can’t I figure this out?”

Well, within thirty minutes or so, Pamela was able to guide me through her process and help me discover the answer to questions that had been plaguing me for most of my life.

Even though we’d never met — nor even talked on the phone—I felt an

immediate sense of comfort
with her. I could sense her
kind and giving spirit
and felt completely at ease with whatever she asked me to do.

I can’t express how

surprised and pleased
I am with this experience. Pamela performed a small miracle, and gave me a gift that will make a true difference in my life. She is an
earth angel
! I just can’t thank her enough.

Patty Fogarty, Illinois

“My friends marvel at my shift! I feel like myself again for the first time in months.”

I recently experienced a Breakthrough Session with Dr. Pamela. And it really was an


I’d struggled with a

stressful situation at work
for months, which caused me a lot of frustration and anxiety as well as overwhelming feelings of discouragement and disempowerment. I
tried traditional psychotherapy
to deal with it,
and my strong spiritual practice
, but still had a difficult time hearing my own inner guidance. I was stuck! I signed up for the Breakthrough Session with a sense of urgency and desperation.

Dr. Pamela has a

gift for pointing out where resistance exists and how to move through it
. Her encouragement and deep work immediately reduced my mental chatter so I could
actually hear my guidance again
. I literally experienced its presence and got very clear directions (some quite humorous!) on how to shift the situation. I left feeling like myself again for the first time in months!

Two weeks later, as a direct result — but without my having to ‘do’ anything —

my work situation has dramatically improved:
I got a raise, and the challenging issue I was dealing with is greatly lessened.

My friends marvel at my shift, and I’ve encouraged them to contact Dr. Pamela. It’s hard to imagine anybody who wouldn’t benefit from her insightful work!

Rukmini, New York

“Decades of writers’ block disappeared in minutes!”

Decades of writers’ block disappeared

in minutes
. I started writing right afterward, and the flow hasn’t stopped!
Now have a regular newspaper column, and a blog with a following. Thank you so much!

Suzana J.
Zagreb, Croatia

“So insightful, encouraging and helpful!”

“I was blown away at how amazing Pamela is and how the seemingly simple and obvious things she says are so insightful, encouraging and helpful.”

Michelle Shaugher
Regional Vice President
Primerica Financial Solutions

“I feel a lot lighter!”

“Wow, I feel a lot lighter!

My whole body is really clear
, strong, limber and grounded. This feels so great!!

Kat, California

Soul-Guided Business

1:1 Divine Biz Clarity & Transformation VIP Retreats,
where your individual needs are attended to in a deeply personalized way, using Dr. Pamela’s Soul Alignment System for Guaranteed Transformation as her well her highly developed Soul Guide intuition and practical business strategies appropriate to your level of business. Available in person or online.

1:1 Sales, Soul & Success Mentorship,
where we meet in 1:1 sessions over a period of time that is suitable to your goals and needs. Mentorship is a deep–dive customized experience of up-leveling yourself, your business, and your sales (and often your intimate relationships as well). Your transformational Mentorship program is designed uniquely for you, so I can efficiently guide you to the results you desire.

Next Level Prosperity Retreats
(small group deep-dive Clarity for your business and life, in an intimate virtual Retreat setting – your big Vision, Vision-Powered Goals, Premium Program Incubator, Prosperity Plan and more!)

Vision-Powered Planning Retreats for Organizations, Boards and Businesses
where together we dive into the possibilities, the higher perspectives, the relationships and roles, and the nitty-gritty details — in order to clarify your big Vision, and its practical expression in goals and action steps, with a clear plan for success. Available in person at your location or via Zoom video conference.

For Spiritual Entrepreneurs who are…

* coaches * healers * therapists * consultants * transformational leaders * messengers * spiritual teachers * holistic practitioners

“After an incredibly difficult year and months of no sales, I’m surfing a wave of positive energy… and I just closed $45,000 in new business!”



“This past year has been incredibly challenging! No clients for 6 months and I was going deeper and deeper into debt. My business became an

unending source of shame and frustration
… Every day my brain repeated, “
if you don’t win something soon, everything is going to end! Money is running out, money is running out

No matter how cheerful I tried to be, that desperation somehow affected the people I talked to… I was working really really hard — but nothing, nothing, nothing.

I’d tried several coaches without results, and was very torn about investing with you because I thought, “

this stuff never works for me
.” But your initial consultation was really interesting — methodical, which appealed to my logical self, but also checked in with my intuition. So I committed to start my Soul Alignment.


To be absolutely honest, I rolled my eyes at parts of the process… but it did speak to some other part of my psyche.

3 days later, someone I’d talked to weeks before suddenly emailed me:
Yes, I’m in! I’m ready to pay you.
$15,000 sale! Paid in full
. Wow. Took the heat off, I felt a little more relaxed… But clearly my work with you wasn’t finished, though it was moving in a good direction. So I committed to finish the process. JUDY RIGHT
: Over the weekend my spirit really started soaring — felt like I’m surfing a wave of positive energy! I knew it
[my losing streak]
was truly gone. People I hadn’t heard from were getting in touch, saying YES, and everything was easier. My entire mood and my outlook shifted significantly.
I felt like myself again.

Now pathways to money and

opportunities are opening up in a completely different way
! I feel in the flow of abundance — as though it’s natural, my birthright. I am heading in the direction I’ve always wanted to be. Not just with money, but with abundant support as well.
It feels like a complete reset!

I can’t believe how much better I feel. You are the real deal!” 2 WEEKS LATER: “Just wanted you to know I closed

$30,000 MORE business today
. I’d do a happy dance, but I’m driving!

Judy Bradt, CEO
Summit Insight

“My business has grown by leaps and bounds! I am now self sustaining.”

My 1:1 Healing & Transformation VIP Retreat Day with Pamela was so wonderful that I signed up for her Mentorship Program. Her capacity to

hold me energetically
and to
be a strong container
for me was beyond amazing!

In 3 months of Mentorship, my business

went from only having a couple of clients
to having many clients, repeat clients, a completely different structure for my business — and
repeating profitable months
to the point where
I am completely self-sustaining. It feels SO good!

I now have the ability to

find the answers from within,
and have
so much
for the first time in my life. Pamela has also helped me to tap into my creative, fun side and now I’m actually enjoying life instead of being so serious.

Working with Pamela has

made me feel so empowered and powerful!
If you’re considering working with her, definitely listen to that intuitive part of you, and don’t let your fear take over… Even if your mind doesn’t know how to make it happen, if you work with her
I can guarantee you will find a way.

Shelbi DuBord, Trauma Coach
Inner Light Healing LLC

“I took my coaching business to a whole new level! I raised my rates 80% and am finding plenty of clients who are happy to pay.”

Before I worked privately with Pamela, I knew the quality of my service was very high, but her expertise showed me how to maximize the use of my time and efforts to

attract the clients
who are able to recognize my value and able to compensate me for it. Pamela helped me
see the gift that comes through my work
, and get past
my limiting thoughts
. This was priceless! I raised my rates 80% and am finding plenty of clients who are happy to pay.

And my colleagues tell me “You’re Ravi 2.0 now” – I dress more professionally and

radiate confidence and clarity
. Pamela’s tools and approach carried me to where I am today: charging and getting a great fee for a great service!

In our work together, Pamela didn’t let me off the hook; and why would she, she believed in me 110%. She was very clear how my experience and expertise measured up, which allowed me to take my leap.

This balance of understanding

both the practical and spiritual
components of my work made working with Pamela true blessing. Pamela also helped me create
a leveraged business plan
that is flexible yet supportive of my long term goals. And she masterfully crafted the approach to
put the plan into action and get measurable results

Because of this, I’ve

greatly increased the clarity and range of my offerings
— I now offer 12 week, 24 week, and year-long private coaching programs, as well as group teleclass programs and live workshops. This allows me to
retain my best clients and attract all the new clients I want

I not only

took my coaching business to a whole new level
, I also balanced my home and business life, so that I am not working all the time. (And I got married to my soul mate!) Now I’m planning the
next stage of my work
, to unfold the bigger dream of who I wish to be in the world. Pamela took me to the edge of my “envelope” — and lifted me up to fly beyond it!

Pamela is passionate about helping people

discover the Vision within you and bring that out into the world
. Her work is for people who are ready to stop complaining and start creating. So if you’re considering working with Pamela, I say: Buckle your seat belt, because Kansas is going bye-bye! Pamela is absolutely committed to her clients and your investment in her skills
will open you to more potential than you dreamed was inside
. AND she is going to walk with you into living that potential! Who could ask for more!

Ravindra Walsh, Spiritual Life Coach

“I immediately saw the results in the clients I began to attract – the healing was deep and profound.

I want to share my deep gratitude for the work we did at my Divine Business Breakthrough VIP Retreat. I

was feeling stuck in my business and personal life
, and the Retreat was perfect for transforming the energy around my limiting beliefs and planning my next steps.

I left deeply inspired because I came to a

better understanding of my true nature and my divine purpose
. These feelings lasted for days and inspired more shifts.

I immediately saw the results in the clients I began to attract and in interactions with others in my life. The 2 follow up sessions brought me even more success, excitement and momentum! I have renewed passion and purpose in my days.

Thank you! You are an angel and I am so glad that I took the risk of doing this work with you. The

healing was deep and profound
. I really look forward to seeing what other magic we will create together!

Cari Ciccarelli, M.S. | R.M.T.

“Cut through the haze and birthed my soul mission biz in 1 DAY! My whole world changed. Exhilarating!”

“My Divine Business Breakthrough VIP Retreat was HUGE for me. I hadn’t been able to put what I have to give into words, and now it’s so clear — you nailed it! And showed me how to turn my mission into a business… It’s been a really exciting journey and I’ll be forever grateful!”

Fay Bunnell, R.N., M.S.
Dementia Reverser
Uncover the Joy in Eldercare

“My income is increasing, decades of writer’s block disappeared, I have more time and energy — I’ve been freed to meet my highest potential!

Before I did my Divine Business Breakthrough VIP Retreat with Pamela,

I knew I was holding myself back somehow
— I was worried, not earning as much as I wanted, and people seemed to take advantage of me. I doubted I could claim my worth.

My Retreat changed all that. In one day of intense one-on-one work, Pamela helped me define crystal clear goals, kept me focused, and provided personalized tools and assignments that helped me achieve my goals. Now I

honor my worth
. I feel empowered and more present, and am setting
very clear boundaries
It’s all very liberating!

And as a result, just 9 days after my Retreat:

  • My
    income is increasing
    — people who’ve owed me money are paying, and new clients are coming in!
  • Decades of writers’ block disappeared
    in minutes at my Retreat. I started writing right afterward, and the flow hasn’t stopped!
  • I’ve
    stopped procrastinating
    . I have ideas about where to go with my business, and I am taking steps right now, without hesitation.
  • I’m dropping unproductive activities I’ve done for years.
    I have more time and energy

I did my Divine Business Breakthrough VIP Retreat in person with Pamela. She choose an exquisite place in nature and provided delicious food to honor what I’d discover about myself. I feel that traveling to the destination, and the sacred space she provided,

ignited the great change that followed.

My Retreat freed me to meet my highest potential. And

that energy has stayed with me and even strengthened
after my Retreat, because Pamela initiated my own ability to generate beauty, self awareness, and power.

Pamela gave her precious attention to me the whole day and was very empathic and full of compassion, which created

a safe environment to open my heart
and meet my heart’s needs. (She reminds me of the Empress in my medieval Tarot deck…) She also joyfully shared my new discoveries and celebrated my unfolding path with “Hurrays!” and a warm hug. This very inviting and relaxed atmosphere made the hours of intense work enjoyable and productive.

I believe what is unique about Pamela’s soul guidance work is that it’s

very structured and goal-oriented AND spontaneous, playful, and from the heart
. I like how she drills down to find the precise tools and assignments I need to achieve whatever I wish for. Her
magical tools and warm, gentle energy encouraged me to step into my own divinity!

I feel truly grateful for my Retreat and the day Pamela and I spent working together.

If you are ready for change and need a push
like I did, there is no way that working with Pamela can disappoint you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

2 years later, I have a thriving practice. No longer feel like an unworthy, under-appreciated ‘servant’ to my clients and family. Now I am a beloved and highly respected master of my craft!

Suzana, Healing Arts Practitioner

“I clarified my mission and purpose, let go of limiting thinking — and went from stuck, exhausted and sad, to energized, excited and renewed!

Before working privately with Pamela,

I was exhausted, stuck, sad and unwell
. I felt I needed to work with somebody in a close way to really
drill down and figure out what
in my business and what my passion is, and bring that to life. I knew there was a “next level” I wanted to attain in my work, but was unsure how to get there. I needed to invest in the kind of support Pamela offers to
find my unique direction and voice

My Divine Business Breakthrough VIP Retreat was my very favorite part of working with Pamela — she created safe space (as soon as you walk in, you feel the shift in energy) and provided gentleness and delicious healthy food, so I could go way inside where I don’t usually go and call on Spirit, use my body, think more deeply, allow feelings to come up — it was

surprisingly powerful and very freeing
. I stepped outside of myself to see how I’ve been restricting and limiting myself.

Then the alignments [transformation process] at my Retreat were wonderful! The process feels intuitive, creative, very integrating and aligning – definitely brings mind, body & spirit together. A super powerful transformation for me has been the

lasting sense of
inner peace, confidence and feeling comfortable in my own skin
. Pamela also provided
practical, logical business support
, and I expanded my vision beyond traditional ways of delivering services and information. Very liberating!
That day I literally moved from stagnation to steady progress.

Before my Retreat, I was

burned out in my private practice and struggling to get clients
. A month after we finished the 6
follow-up session,
my private practice is full and I’m really enjoying the work
! And I no longer overwork or feel exhausted — I eat better and get rest when I need to.
Something fundamental changed
… From sad and stuck I now feel very satisfied with my life and my direction: what I’m doing is fulfilling, it’s sustaining me financially, and it’s created a springboard to the next level that’s really important.
My Retreat initiated movement that allowed all the other things to fall into place

That happened because I made an investment, and since then I’ve invested in other services that help my business -– I used to NOT spend money — and all have propelled me forward. I know enough to find people who are experts and can help me in very powerful way.

What I needed from Pamela, and what she does so well, is soul-level work
. She’s gifted at facilitating the process – not in front as a teacher, or behind as pusher, but
alongside me as a partner
— so we can do deep, juicy work and cause transformation. That’s what I mean when I say she’s my soul guide.
If that’s what you want
, you’re going to be very happy working with her.

Working with Pamela allowed me to

recreate my life
. If I hadn’t worked with her, I’d still be stuck. Thank you, Soul Guide, for everything you’ve done to help me get clear and get moving! Sending you lots of love!

Lisa A. Kendall, LCSW-R, CSW-G |LisaKendallCounseling.com

“Now I can own my work, speak about it articulately, and magnetize new clients to me! HUGE block broken up.

Less than 30 days after my session — where we worked on my

subconscious blocks to
uncover and step into my calling
— I have been able to own my work, speak to it, magnetize new contacts and articulate my results to these interested people. And I just had
5 discovery calls in 24 hours
! I have never before been able to speak so articulately and straight to the person’s pain point, in a way that
felt authentic and in integrity

In my session with Pamela I revealed that I am ‘a coach for coaches’ (though I had been consciously saying “no” to this, because it was so big

I hardly dared say it
…). I am a coach to women who have a big calling but haven’t yet been able to see the vision for themselves, because they are still seeking the answer out there somewhere. They find themselves unfulfilled after having tried everything, and they are secretly seeking a spiritual answer to what ails them.

Pamela helped me to integrate into my subconscious mind, “I know what I do, I know what I provide, and I naturally magnetize visionaries to work with me.” And BAM!

I finally have been able to open my mouth and speak to what I do.
HUGE block broken up.

Chloë Rain, Seattle, WA

“Now I have 6 multi-millionaire investors likely to speak with me! I’ve worked with some of the world’s best coaches — Jean Houston, Debbie Ford, Marianne Williamson — and Pamela surpasses most.

My dream: Devise original mathematical strategies to

double stock returns
1-3 times a year; trade for high net worth individuals, split the profits, and give the majority of my share to
to reduce suffering and bring healing to the world.

My work on this project felt halting and unsure; for months before my VIP Retreat with Pamela I had virtually NO results. I was discouraged.

Before I came to my Retreat, I followed Pamela’s videos and made a vision board for my goal; it gets me focused, feeling good, and ready to begin work in form. It’s much more powerful than my previous one, which was about what I wanted. This vision board is about

who I need to BE to get what I want

My VIP Retreat with Pamela

took away much woundedness
so that I can become
truly vibrantly healthy.
I used to not accept myself or my past or present. Consequently I was not very present, or free, or receivable by others. How could I have lived like that? Now I am on a path to recognition, surrender and reconciliation.

I have high standards, so it means something when I say that Pamela is

extremely talented, extremely present, and
extremely devoted
to realizing my desired outcomes. For my taste she is a little too ready to refer to what I see as the occult and to use processes driven by chance… but they provided
important results
. She has an incredible sensitivity to put belief statements in the language that spoke to me, and a
rare combination of warmth and encouragement with tough love
where needed to evolve me to higher success.

Pamela is inspiring and inspired; she has a very, very beautiful spirit.

So many seminars

promise much but before long fade
out of my thoughts and practices. My Retreat with Pamela was different.

The benefits stayed with me afterwards, even in VERY difficult circumstances:

  • When my ‘experiments’ challenged my central theory and software, instead of panicking or getting depressed, I used Pamela’s methods to
    get calm almost right away
    and simply wait before contacting the software author, relaxing and enjoying things in the interim.
  • My platform was having more and more frequent crashes, requiring a very long call with tech support. Before my Retreat, these crashes and tech calls were very stressful for me. During this call I was over 90% calm and noticed just
    how much energy I had needlessly used up
    , how much tension and tiredness I could have avoided in similar calls over the years. This time I
    energy left over
    to read up on the new update (which I used to avoid).
  • For 3 years
    I dreaded
    the possibility that my platform (and all my work!) would need complete rebuilding. After my Retreat it finally it happened. I was able to calmly accept that I needed to rebuild all my charts and other features, and
    completely rebuilt my work of years over 10 days
  • The prospect of getting a fiscal sponsor for my project had been
    Now I have at
    least 6 multi-millionaire/billionaires
    ready to speak with me! My work with Pamela kept me moving forward despite the “daunts”… This wonderful outcome
    manifested from ‘chance’ events after getting aligned with my life’s work,
    a major focus of my Retreat.

Pamela, thank you a google and a plex!

Ronald Meyer, Mathematical Stock System Designer Future Philanthropist
Classical Pianist

“Pamela turned my failing launch around — from only 2 people in my program (panic!) to 13 (fantastic!)

Due to family emergencies, I was behind on the launch for my program, so my list was small for my introductory webinar — only 77 people. After my webinar, there was a resounding silence — only 2 Discovery Sessions came in.

Panic, overwhelm, disillusioned

I reached out to Pamela Moss, a local friend who is a great coach (I’d worked with her a month before on getting unstuck re: biz patterns). Turns out

NOT ONLY is she super gifted with energy and vision work, BUT she also
totally had the biz chops


reassured me that I could still make my program work
, that 70% of sign ups for the Discovery Session come after the webinar due to great follow up emails. (Something I hadn’t learned in other trainings!) I totally dove in with her and paid her to coach me for five days. She helped me
write awesome content
that not only got me more Discovery Sessions, but also
got me way more clear
the value of my programs
, so my Discovery Sessions were way more powerful. I started the program with
women! The first call of the program was

This was also a

wise long-term investment
, because I have way more confidence about what I will do differently next time. Pamela Moss is a great resource if you need a
soul guide for your biz with
both feet in the real world of business

Karryn Olsen-Ramanujen, Coach

“A year later I’m still realizing the benefits!

At my Divine Business Breakthrough VIP Retreat I was able to overcome hidden barriers to my success,

clarify my unique system
and offerings,
finally step fully into my power

A year later I’m still realizing the benefits
, as my signature program, SPIRIT: a Plan for Miracles℠ goes international!

Pamela’s soul guidance helped me

discover this beautiful program inside me
and bring it forth
to the world.

Thank you again, Pamela. Update: I have an intern/apprentice now, she came on board last night for this program. This living life full out (and full value) is so much more fun!

Susan Norton
Shamanic Services by Susan

“Those 3 hours changed my life. There’s been LASTING shift! I’ve got my new business and now nothing is holding me back!”

I must say that the 3 hours of my half-day online Divine Business Breakthrough VIP Retreat with Dr. Pamela

changed my life
. I highly recommend her as your Soul Guide!

I reached out to Pamela when I was at a point where I knew I had

many thoughts that were holding me back, financially and personally
. I needed the guidance, support and expertise Pamela has to get clear about my business direction
make shifts in my conscious awareness, and clear and replace those subconscious thoughts.

I took a financial risk to do this, yet it felt so right; and YES it was a valuable experience. Pamela is very clear in her diagnostic assessment, and

works deeply and respectfully
in a process that is sensory, metaphysical, and comes from spirit.

Now [6 weeks later] there has been LASTING shift in my being! I feel free of many blocks and limiting thoughts. I feel

lighter in who I am, strong and energetic and focused
Nothing is holding me back!

I have taken many inspired actions, from starting to teach English in the library here, to building a website for my new online business —

something I never thought I could do!
(Connected to a tech person who worked for Microsoft and is doing the REAL WORK in trade for art classes!) And I
ot a show of my huge pieces in a new modern gallery in January! Even got a great price for framing them. The Divine Muse!

And I am writing like crazy!!! I am

formulating my “Creative Growth Workshop” program, got who my market is,
and am framing my new website for them.

Energy is moving! Thank you again Pamela for your work with me to create this

big shift

A big hug, Nina

Nina Wisniewski, Art Professional
San Miguel de Allende Centro, Guanajuato, Mexico

“I dropped my fears and got the greatest gift: the Teacher inside me! Continues to have a profoundly positive impact.”

Before working privately with Pamela, I had fears that were preventing me from opening up my heart in all areas of my life. Many of these fears were irrational and completely imaginary — yet they still made me feel stressed and hopeless and caused me to

procrastinate, sabotage relationships, lose professional opportunities
and not take care of myself.

Just 2 sessions with Pamela allowed me to stop acting out on self-destructive habits, and create

a daily lifestyle that supports me
to open my heart to myself, others, and all of my life. Pamela’s work has also
helped me
trust the power that is within me.

With this new-found trust in my power, I’ve had more confidence in advertising my business and speaking to clients about the benefit of the work I do, and as a result,

my finances are improving
. Now I have
developed a sense of inner knowing and confidence
that is carrying me through any fears that might come up. But the biggest gift I received from our work was
re-connecting with my heart
space. Being connected to this space affects every aspect of my life and has
improved my decision making
given me power and energy

Ethan, 2 years later

Working with Pamela was like talking to a

coach, friend, mentor, healer, and professional adviser all at once
. I really enjoyed the homework that she gave me, as well as the ability to contact her via email when necessary. She is gifted at listening and helping me create my own empowering ideas, so that
I feel like my teacher is always inside me
. She makes me feel at ease and confident; her enthusiasm is inspiring and contagious. Pamela is expert at providing a safe and supportive space where transformation can take place, which
allows my own innate wisdom to come to the surface
. She enabled me to lead a more confident and clear life.

If you are considering working with Pamela, she will listen genuinely to your desires and help you find

simple and powerful ways to
release unconscious blocks
that are unnecessarily taking away energy from pursuing your dreams.
It works!

Pamela, you have

given me the greatest gift — the teacher inside me
— and I will be forever grateful!

Ethan Sisser, Internal Alchemist
SomaVeda Thai Yoga Therapist & Instructor
Maui, Hawaii

“You are seriously authentic! You do EVERYTHING you say you can do.”

Before working with you, I’d gained a huge amount of success and then

lost it all —
and was experiencing
low energy because of high levels of fear

In our work there was not one moment where I doubted that you knew what you were doing. After each session, I’d feel a

new kind of clarity and new levels of energy
in my body — old arguments in myself were being cleared away.
I knew absolutely that parts of me were being healed

Now I’m a long way from where I was 4 sessions ago: my obstacles are gone; I feel a

lot more confidence and new freedom
; and there’s a tremendous amount of light coming in, a direct transmission. The result is
my mind is really, really clear and really, really calm
and my emotions are incredibly clear.

What people should know about you is that you are seriously authentic. If they have issues that they’re clear about, you WILL clear those issues for them.

You do what you say you can do.
If someone asked me, “is Pamela legitimate?” I’d say “yes, absolutely.” There’s too many people out there who say they can do something and they don’t. Or maybe they do it to a degree… but
EVERYTHING I anticipated I would gain from you, I received

You are uplifting the people who are in need of what you are
. And all of us [light workers] are together uplifting humanity!

Walter Hurd, Spiritual Guide

“I moved from therapist to coach — my results are much more powerful, my clients are thrilled, and I increased my client base by 33%!”

Pamela is an

extraordinary coach
! She makes you feel validated, cared about and listened to and also inspires you to be more and do more! She is
extremely intuitive
and has the ability to zero in on things that surprised me. She also helped me to
trust and
develop my own intuitive abilities

Pamela helped me to

clarify my mission
as a therapist and coach who helps people to live their lives with more joy, ease and freedom. She helped me zero in on
signature message
of Living Your Magnificence which led to creating
e-books and workshops

Pamela readily shared from her

fountain of wisdom
and led me to many
wonderful low cost or no cost resources
. She will share anything she knows including many
creative ways to get yourself out there
and helps you to find online events that you can be part of.

Pamela goes beyond just helping you

set up processes and systems
(which she does beautifully). She also has
powerful techniques to help you to
overcome subconscious blocks
that are holding you back in your business, relationships and life.

Although I developed some health problems during the time I worked privately with Pamela, I

increased my client base by 33%
and gave a
keynote address
at a Women’s conference that she helped me develop. I am now using the tools she gave me to create more workshops and e-books.

Pamela is a coach’s coach
and her coaching technique inspired me to eventually become a coach rather than a therapist. I have found that
my results with my clients are much more powerful
than before I worked with Pamela. My clients are thrilled with the steps they have taken!

If you work with Pamela, expect to be challenged, surprised, motivated, inspired, in touch, productive and engaged. Pamela is

most definitely top of the line
, and I would recommend her highly to anyone who wants a top notch coach who will help you
clarify your mission, your goals and your future,
and inspire you to
create inspired products and workshops that reflect your mission

Thank you Pamela for all you give and all you are.

Brenda Strausz, Creative Psychotherapist and Coach
Helping you to Live Your Magnificence using EFT,
Law of Attraction & Hypnotherapy

Paula’s Income Accelerator Story

Paula planned to help holistic practitioners create their website “About” page & improve their talks. Making very little money; on disability.

DURING her Session: I asked about her most successful client. It was doing something completely different: Paula helped a woman struggling in a book-writing course who said, “what I’ve written feels like shit, and the book’s not happening on my deadline!” Paula helped her all the way from writing to publishing — AND the woman won a top 10 author award, with awesome perks! I realized this was Paula’s true purpose biz…

In the rest of the 90 minute Session we created her new business url “holisticbookdoctor.com.” Then we mapped out her whole offering & levels of service, overall promise with enticing language for exactly how she helps & benefits of each point, and delivery price points. Plus I walked her through how to have a powerful, heart-centered sales conversation…

Paula signed her first client for $3000

Owner, Copywriter, Writer/Editor, Writing Coach
Holistic Wellness Writers

“I was exhausted and working ALL the time.
Now I’m taking care of ME. I got my life back!”
“I work ALL the time, crazy hours. I do everything: clients, billing, insurance, online stuff. . . I’m EXHAUSTED! Deep down I’m afraid that if I slow down, everything will fall apart — I won’t be able to pay my bills, or help my family, or get my book out, or keep going! The few times I do go out with friends, I’m uptight and unsocial, punishing myself for wasting time.”
[hidden Vow of Poverty — despite high earnings!]
Lori AFTER she transformed her money story:
“How light I feel! Safe and happy, tingling all over. I feel it in every cell of my body. I realize I thought I WAS my work. . . Who I am is my heart!” Within days, Lori started:

  • taking on fewer clients
  • hiring a support team
  • letting her friends back in

“Now I’m giving myself more time to take care of ME. I can enjoy my life!!”

Lori, Therapist

“I have so much to teach — but I was terrified of speaking…”


“I know I have a lot of valuable information to share — information that people need! — but the thought of speaking TERRIFIES me. Feels like I’d DIE if I got up in front of an audience…” [hidden Vow of Silence]

Trina AFTER she transformed her money story:
“Guess what, I booked my first talk! It’s at a big conference, and I am SO excited! That fear we cleared was from many past lifetimes. . . In this one I know I am safe and divinely protected.” And Trina’s transformation keeps expanding!She’s now an in-demand speaker around the country.
Trina, Healer & Messenger

“A toolkit for making dreams come true!”

This course is such a treasure! I was in love with it from beginning to end — so rich in content, so deep and nourishing for my soul! It has made me leap forward in many ways: trusting my higher self, taking inspired action, developing my own unique healing work… I am truly grateful for your wisdom, kindness, experience and wonderful sense of humour. I am still on my journey towards my goal, but I feel so joyful and optimistic about it now!

I understand now why my higher self told me to go for this course, when my mind gave me all the reasons not to. This course is so inspiring and life-changing that it makes sense that our minds (with their “let’s-keep-you-safe” attitude) are afraid to venture into something this profound. I know now I couldn’t have made a better decision and I will cherish this course long after it has ended.

Thank you with all my heart, Pamela!

Hanka, Corporate Starting Healing Practice

Prague, Czech Republic

“Hugely life-changing! Released patterns I didn’t even know were holding me back.”

I’m so grateful I took a leap of faith and signed up for this program. Pamela expertly and graciously leads us through a life-changing journey. It allowed me to release old, unhelpful habits and ways of being in the world, patterns I wasn’t even aware of that were holding me back from living my best life. Pamela is a gifted and compassionate teacher and guide who creates a safe space for deep inner work. Before the course was even finished I started to experience huge positive shifts in both my inner life and my marriage. Who knew changing one’s relationship with money could be so transformative and also, with Pamela’s guidance, fun?

This program has ignited a process of change for me that has just begun to manifest in my life, and I’m excited to see where it will lead. Thank you SO much, Pamela, for helping me trust my intuition and inner guidance. Because of this work I feel ready to step into the life I am meant to live, and let my inner light shine. I am forever grateful.


Stepping into Soul Purpose Work & Leadership

“A Simple Collection of Pictures From Magazines People Threw Out Has COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED MY LIFE!”

I never thought that just a couple hours of my life could change things so much — but looking at my vision board every day has changed me.
I created it just as I was coming out of a deep depression…

It’s helped me remember what I really want out of life — instead of spending all my time doing what others expect me to do. It created focus and direction for my life to manifest itself in the way I wanted.

I never thought I could be this happy and fulfilled! (That’s me getting married on the lake this past summer — my wife looks just like the woman in my vision board!)

Karl Gesslein

Computer Gurus

“A Truly Amazing Experience!”

I’ve never been more motivated in my life to achieve my vision for my life.

I strong recommend this!

Sometimes we must take the time to truly see what we want to achieve in our lives and businesses.

Tracy Higginbotham

President of WomenTies.com

“I went from stuck to 3 agents looking at my book!”

When I started working privately with Pamela I’d written a book [memoir about abusive childhood], but I was

second-guessing myself and worried
what people would think, and very scared to put it out there. For example,
I’d been stuck
writing my book agent query letter
for 2 months
, and if I hadn’t worked with Pamela I’d still be stuck! I got the query letter
done in 1 day
after Pamela’s Accelerated Change session.

Now I have a different sense of my self:

I’ve become clearer and more self-confident, and everything seems smoother and easier
— instead of being wishy-washy about decisions, now I’m like, “¡@!¡#√Ω!! I’m just doing it!”

Pamela’s work also

helped me triumph over the whole ordeal of my childhood
. I jumped leaps and bounds, over huge mountainous hurdles, to feel like I do now: strong and wonderful, and so
victorious over the whole mess I was in! I feel at peace.

And so many good things are happening, like my high school sweetheart and his family came back into my life — it’s been more than 30 years, and we just picked up where we left off. It’s amazing.

You really can change the whole way you feel and think, which clears your path
. I’d never heard of anything like this — and the whole process actually worked. Woohoo!

And now, 6 weeks after our last session, I have three agents looking at my book. Very exciting!!! I am on my way to creating all that I dreamed; there’s

nothing to hold me back

Karla Kelly, Author
Secrets & Denial: Setting Myself Free

“I got clarity I didn’t even expect!”

The visioning work I did with Pamela was

very powerful for me
: I discovered
purpose of my business
, ways in which I would need to grow for it to be successful, and I even got a tagline!

I’ve made vision boards in the past, but I see now

they were about what I thought I “should” want
. The vision board I made with Pamela is
amazingly different — and so much more inspiring!
I love it, and look at it several times a day to remind me of my strength and purpose.

I got clarity I didn’t even expect, and

answers I wasn’t even looking for
— because Pamela’s process took me out of my head and
into a
much truer knowing
. Now I can take a clearer, stronger stand for who I am and to go forward with
greater clarity, confidence and a sense of purpose

Daphne Cohn, CEO

“I see for myself the huge changes applying this has made in my life and business over the past 6 months!”

I learned these three powerful techniques from you 3 years ago, but in the past 6 months I’ve been using them daily. I now have

so much more clarity, groundedness and ability to make decisions from a clear place
— I really know that I’m doing what is in my best interest. And my
ability to listen to and perceive my guidance is increasing

I highly recommend people take you up on your offer of Clarity Consult Sessions and working with you. I see for myself the

huge changes applying these tools has made
in my life and my ability to give my gifts through my business. Thank you SO much!

Natalie Hill, Coach

Soul-Guided Life

1:1 Private Mentoring and Soul Guidance Programs

1:1 Healing & Transformation VIP Retreats

Soulful Reconnecting for Couples

Online Group Programs
(The Clarity Course, Transform Your Money Story, The Grow Your Dreams Intensive, Receiving Your Soulmate)

In-Person Group Programs
(Soul Guidance Vision Board Workshops, transformational group retreats, and Soulful Reconnecting for Couples Retreats) and new
virtual group retreats!

Happiness, Inner Peace, Purpose, Health, Energy, Better Relationships, a Soulmate, Dreams fulfilled, Spiritual Growth & Awakening:
ALL are available to YOU.

“My Retreat Day with you changed my perspective — and my life. It’s absolutely lovely, amazing, and it’s spreading out like a ripple!”

6 weeks later: “I just feel like I

have so much more capacity to love
– thanks to the work in my Retreat. I can not only give love, but also receive it — all without that nasty old feeling of unworthiness – such a joyous feeling!

Christine, Binghamton, NY

“I made huge changes in my life, some I’d been struggling with for DECADES — and discovered my true purpose.”

If you are considering working privately with Pamela run, don’t walk, to get
signed up!
She has amazing insight and is able to really help you to get clarity. Without her help there is no doubt that things would have not changed for me;
it was like she broke a logjam within me and now the water is flowing briskly

I did a Discovery Session with Pamela and knew I needed her help, but the idea of spending money on myself almost made me say “No.” I’m glad there was a nudge inside of me to just “do it!

I learned that

when you change yourself, the world around you changes
and rather quickly
. Seriously, I made huge changes in my life, some I’d been struggling with for decades

(Like my

… after 20+ years together I was close to wanting a divorce; but now 3 months later it’s like we’re
back to when we were courting
! My husband is my best friend and greatest supporter.)

I learned how I really felt about things, and

overcame my fears
that were locking me up in so many ways and making me feel unsettled and stuck.

I discovered childhood wounds that have actually catapulted my career and success in life! I learned how to move forward powerfully, and tapped into some

hidden abilities
I had denied, which led to
many career breakthroughs
and renewed the
fun and playfulness in my marriage.

It’s funny, when I went home to visit relatives they noticed a difference in me that they compared to a

“spiritual awakening,”
and one said,
“I want to do the drugs you’re on!”
When you change yourself, the world around you notices, and it changes too. I have experienced this is a huge way.

Dawn after — a couple years later

Without Pamela’s guidance, and being accountable to her, I could never have succeeded in changing my life in such a positive way.

In the past I tried to do it on my own
by reading dozens of books searching for the answers, but with no real results. The modalities that Pamela used were completely foreign to me, yet I just let her
work her magic on me
— and amazingly these new ways of communicating with my subconscious and super-conscious mind WORKED to
remove the fear and emotions that were locking me up
, and also gave me
clarity about my life’s purpose

Since I was a child, I never really knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, so I chose career paths that went in various directions. Now I can see the bigger picture and understand why: those careers have

all prepared me for my true purpose in life
. That purpose was locked inside of me so tight, I had no clue what it was, nor even that I had a purpose on this earth.
Pamela unlocked that door
and now I realize why I’d been stuck and frozen in fear: it is a HUGE mission! She showed me how to bring that true purpose to the light. Although
I actually had the answers inside me
, it was Pamela who had the ability to reveal them to me.

Pamela also asked me to do a Vision Board, and as I was going through the process I thought it was pretty dumb. But I humored her and did what I was told. Wow… the technique she used was

very powerful and like nothing I had ever seen
— the Vision Board was actually created deep within my subconscious mind.
I was flabbergasted
at what I created!

Pamela also showed me how to

tap into my inner knowing
of what I really want, and introduced me to ways of reframing my thinking — making positives out of what I thought were negatives — and ways to
interrupt destructive patterns
. In addition, she taught me a modality to
make quick decisions
. These tools and my vision board allow me to
continue my growth
after working with her.

I was surprised while writing this to realize HOW MUCH Pamela has contributed to

the well being of myself and my husband, and freed the gifts that were locked up so tight inside of me
. Her guidance and insight were
! If you are feeling any dissatisfaction in your life, it’s just a signal to pay attention to that area. That is where your focus should be when you work with Pamela. And you will find as you move through the process that
all areas of your life start to improve

Pamela is an intelligent, educated, caring, gifted and intuitive person. I will be

forever grateful
for all the tools and knowledge she shared with me so that I could
finally get clear about what I really want and realize the full sense of myself.

Dawn B. Dwyer, Artist | Pet Portraits | Wildlife | Animal-Human Relations | DawnBDwyer.com

“I went from making myself small to living my most fabulous life!”

During the program, I got rid of all the places in my life I had made myself small, and got really clear about my “vision-powered goal” and

took it
from a goal to a reality!
I also learned how to
real results
from my inner guidance and
get clear
about my next inspired actions.

If I hadn’t done this program, I’d still be making myself small, instead of

living my most fabulous life while making a difference in the lives of others!

Pamela is expert at holding space and

keeping you focused on what’s important
. She has the ability to
cut through confusion
and help you on your way to clarity. She’s passionate about helping others in a heart-centered way that allows them to take HUGE steps in their lives.
I can’t recommend this highly enough!
Clarity, focus, accountability, and resources are just a few of the
priceless gifts
I received from the GYDI & working with Pamela.

Working with Dr. Pamela Moss allowed me to expand my vision for my business and my life. I

highly recommend her to anyone who
wants to make big changes
in their lives.

Tiffani Keaton
Action-Oriented Coach
Creative Consultant and Jeweler

“I’ve grown so much and feel so empowered and powerful. My marriage was really struggling… now it’s improved so dramatically it’s Marriage 2.0!”

I did a one day Healing and Transformation VIP Retreat with Pamela. To

say it’s been life-changing would be an understatement
… She helped me find pieces of myself I never knew were there, but desperately needed. Through accessing them I’ve begun to manifest so many wonderful things in my life.That 1-day Retreat with Pamela was so wonderful that I signed up for her Mentorship Program. Her capacity to hold me energetically and to be a strong container for me was
beyond amazing
! I now have an ability to find the answers from within, and
have so much
for myself. Pamela has also helped me to tap into my creative, fun side — and
I enjoy
life much more
Shelbi DuBord, Trauma Coach
Inner Light Healing LLC

“In 3 months, we transformed every area of my life for the better!”

I came to you wanting to find my “adult self” — at 50 years old. For 30 years I’d been

anxious, depressed and self-sabotaging
, moving through life without a sense of direction or self-confidence… Even though I had an incredible number of friends and a wonderful family, I felt I
couldn’t fully reveal myself to anyone

I didn’t know how to free myself from this permanent state of

failure and resentment.
I didn’t know how to be fully truthful with others — or myself! I was in a rut. Scared. Yet I didn’t want my life to end never having lived it… so I reached out to you.

Three months later
, that feels like SO long ago! You’ve
changed my life

Now I’m

more my truer self, grounded, consolidated
… All those doubts and poor habits, all those things that weakened me, I’ve shed light on and accepted and brought joy to.

I don’t worry about being judged any more, or not knowing the right thing to do.

I just trust myself
. And in my relationships with other people, we work it out cooperatively. It’s an easier way to live.

The biggest surprise was the energy work we did —

those times when you literally just pulled negative stuff out of me
and replaced it with positive — that was HUGE! That was the beginning of real change for me… crazy, and very exciting. Magical.

The other big surprise was the

ease and speed at which each issue just resolved
… Self-worth. Self-value. Self-trust. Self-reliance.
It’s like I’ve been decluttered
Such freedom
. I love it!

And I’ve realized what kind of

I want to do moving forward, what’s fulfilling and fun for me and helps others… that was one of my goals.

Life is just much clearer, calmer and more assured
. I feel like my family and world around me is calmer as well… I think its
because my energy has changed

As for

my marriage, there’s a better balance now
… My husband can come across as authoritative and intolerant, kind of scary, even though he doesn’t mean to… I felt like a child around him. I’m not so defensive anymore; now we have a more adult-to-adult relationship. And our
sex life is better too
! Before I was too tired, had no libido… I’m much more relaxed now, and can reciprocate his advances and be amorous. More and more, I feel a deep love for him… The relationship is back to being pleasurable in all ways.

In the past I’ve worked with different therapists and gotten good ideas, but nothing changed…

Your work is different,

transformative, and so much more intuitive
it reaches right into your soul!
And then those inner changes flow out into your life, to everyone around you, to problem solve, to help, to bring joy…

I loved the flow of the work, hitting the mark every time, every session was bang on! I went further than I ever expected I could…


overjoyed that you have helped me find these abilities in myself
— to explore, ask and answer questions, change… I’m proud I’ve gone through this process, it’s all come together. I’ve got this.

I still think about you and your teachings regularly. If there were lots of you, Pamela, this world would be awesome!

Colette from Toronto

“I’ve been free from fear and at peace ever since!”

I decided to invest in myself by working with Pamela because I have

tried for years to work on my fears
of loss through therapy and support groups. While these helped some, my fears kept reappearing.

Two months ago I did a private

Healing and Transformation Retreat Day
with Pamela. It’s important to note that this work produced results quickly: I have been essentially
free from fear and at peace
ever since!

What is unique about Pamela’s work is that she uses different techniques or methods to

access our true selves
. What I like most about working with her is her warm heart, non-judgmental attitude, and confidence that she could help me. (She never said, “I will try to help you with this.” She said, ”I know I can help you.” And she did.) Pamela makes me feel safe and that allows me to be open and honest with her.
I am so grateful that she has come into my life!

If I hadn’t worked with Pamela, I’d still be struggling with my fear of loss and not knowing how or where to find the answers.

If you’re considering working with Pamela, know that she is

dedicated, committed and successful
in the work that she does. I am so blessed!

Maria, Psychiatric Nurse

“My current career is one I’m excited to go to every day; I couldn’t be where I am without Pamela’s guidance and assistance!”

During a period of transition (physically and job-wise), I connected with Pamela to

assist me with my future job search and career
. I wanted more, desired more, but felt stifled in some ways.

I decided to do a vision board exercise with Pamela to find clarity. She helped me define what

my values and bargaining chips
were, get clear about what I really wanted, and make a visual reminder of all that. In the process I also
connected with wise inner guidance and greatly increased my confidence

I took these tools with me as I moved from NY to TX and looked for jobs that would match my values. It took me 6 weeks until

I found the perfect job
. I would not have been as
confident and clear
about my future goals and job needs if it wasn’t for Pamela’s exercise. I wholeheartedly recommend Pamela. My current career is one that I’m excited to go to every day; I’m now Associate Director of Employer Relations at TCU, and I couldn’t be where I am without Pamela’s guidance and assistance!

Bethany Kilgore, MBA Talent Advisor
Employer Partners
Texas Christian University

“I find it incredible, a miraculous healing — I could hardly walk and now I can RUN!”

A miraculous thing has happened to me —

the pain I had been suffering
with my feet for almost a year is
practically vanishing!
I find it incredible that I can walk for much longer periods, I don’t have to keep putting my feet up, and most importantly the amount of pain killers I had been taking has
reduced dramatically — from 18 a day to 2!
I even ran to catch the bus, and didn’t even realize what I had done until I sat down in my seat!

Of course this has

greatly affected the way I feel about myself — I had seen myself as an “invalid” for so long
that even though I would look at my vision board and could actually feel myself running some time in the future, there was a part of me that didn’t think it could happen. Now I am even looking at purchasing sports clothing!

I know that this wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t done your course so I am

very excited at the side benefit of getting healthy and fit again

Doris Daby, Nurse and Caregiver

“I recreated MY WHOLE LIFE as I want it to be, and accomplished everything I set out to do.”

“When we began a year ago I was barely functioning, I was so depressed and anxious and mad at myself

it took everything I could do just to get through the day.
I hated my job, I hated my marriage, and I would obsess and stress
for days
about what was wrong with me.

For example, I seriously wanted to kill my husband. I was FURIOUS at him, and thought about divorce (or killing him) all the time. I hated being home alone at night while he went off and did things with his friends, but I also couldn’t stand being around him.

Now I enjoy spending time with him
– we actually get along and do things together. We have fun! And he supports me. He even comes stay with me when I’m on call overnight at the hospital.

What happened was I had a huge shift:
I realized that all that stress and obsessing is just my mind, not ME – and I learned that I can just observe my thoughts, I don’t have to react. So
I don’t go into the anger and depression spiral anymore
. I’m proud that now I’m able to be myself around my husband, and to let him be himself. There’s peace.

I also

hated my job
as family practice physician – I liked my colleagues and helping people, but I hated all the paperwork and being in the hospital and the hours, and I wanted to do something more integrative, more holistic. Several years ago I’d gotten trained in Sufi healing, but never used any of that in my practice.
I was sure people would think it’s weird, and I’d be an outcast and get sued
and lose my medical license…

You helped me overcame those fears and reclaim being a Sufi healer.

Now I can be who I really am!
I’m transitioning from being a traditional MD to practicing integrative medicine & being a Sufi doctor.

I found the

courage to quit my job
and just got the perfect position for my transition – supervising at a university health center, just a few hours a week and fewer responsibilities, but making the same pay and meeting new people. And I’m excited to do functional medicine. Exactly what I wanted!

I’ve learned that I can create whatever I want!
I transformed my marriage, transitioned into my true calling, and upgraded every area of my life

*I now have

. When we started working together I didn’t; I’d had to leave my community in another city a couple years before and I felt so isolated here. I created the intention to have friends who share my interests, and it happened.


home is much more organized and nice
. I used to get so angry about how messy and cluttered everything was – my husband’s stuff was all over but he’d never do anything about it! After years of arguing, I finally made it happen by convincing him we needed to hire a professional organizer.


relationship with my son
went from us being enmeshed and mutually worrying about each other, to now he’s out doing things with his friends, he doesn’t feel like he has to take care of me anymore. And I’m not worried about him either.

*When we started I had no

spiritual connection
. Now I feel much more connected spiritually and at peace. And I’m practically crying, because I see that my family in different ways all share that: we’re all doing Reiki and going on Sufi retreats together!

*I’m a

lot less depressed and anxious
, in fact I’m really excited to do new things, and I’m doing them. I’m having
much more fun!
I’ve taken up rowing, sailing, rock climbing, which I do with my new friends and my husband and son, and knitting, which is very meditative and creates beauty. They’re all very good for me.

*And with your guidance, my

husband and I were able to
separate with love and peace.
We did it in the way that was
best for our kid
: I rented a house on the street we’d all lived on together, and my husband also rented a place. Our son stayed in the house we’d all lived in, and my husband and I alternated staying there with him every few days. We did this for 6 months. I think that
really helped our son with the transition

What is unique about your work is it’s on a

spirit and soul level AND it’s very practical
Very empowering

You made me feel supported and cared for, which made a huge difference. You

really got me and knew what I needed
. I felt validated.

I have a lot more peace now. I am being of service, who I’m meant to be…

Working with you for a year enabled me to recreate every area of my life
as I want it to be!

– Anonymous MD

“I’ve been participating in transformational events for over 50 years — your Retreat was one of the 10 BEST!”

I have been participating in transformational events for over 50 years, including many events directly with

Werner Erhart
Sai Maa

Your Retreat was one of the 10 best!

Vandya, California

“I’m finally letting my inner self out!”

I was in a
life transition
and knew I was at the beginning of pursuing something new, but it was in the shadow of the old. Things started changing for me as soon as I committed to the Grow Your Dreams Intensive.

First, the visioning and vision board were very powerful and moved me — I love my vision board! Then,

I didn’t believe
in the Accelerated Change belief change process
— but it works.
immediately made me feel totally confident
at my job interview, and the transformation keeps unfolding.

As an engineer, I like how the GYDI is built in a very step-by-step way that makes sense
. The amazing process helped me set up a structure to open up and move forward. And the breadth of tools we got is astounding!

I’ve done a LOT of personal growth work, and this was like nothing I’ve ever done before
, and very transformative
I have tremendous respect for Pamela’s heart and her skills and knowledge as a coach — she truly cares, and somehow makes each person in the group feel like they have her complete attention.

Now I’m finally letting my inner self out, and really living who I am at heart and doing what lights me up.

The work that I have done with Dr. Pamela Moss has changed my life. She helped me uncover what is inside and I got to the heart of where I want my life to go, both personally and professionally. She offered an appropriate tool at the appropriate time that brought me to the next step. Her toolbox is very deep! I have broken through blockages that I had been working on my whole life.

Working with Pamela has been life-changing

Jill F. | Engineer | Entrepreneur | Dancer

“I feel fulfilled on so many levels — ALL of life is a gift.”

I have plenty of ability, but

doubted myself and been an under-achiever for years
. The Grow Your Dreams Intensive program gave me a strong sense of self-worth at last. It was
so empowering
to connect with other participants and know there are people in the world who
see me as I truly am, and recognize my value!

The GYDI made me

fulfilled on so many levels:
I released a life-long poverty and lack mindset, became the CEO of my own company, and am finally fulfilling my full potential — now I see that all my experiences,
ALL of life, is a gift.

If you’re considering doing the GYDI or working with Pamela — just do it!

Don’t let your fears get in the way.
Tell Pamela all the things you’re worried about and let her address them — so you can move beyond your fears. Then listen to your heart, and act from there…
You WILL receive what you need.

Danielle K.
‘Topographical’ Thinker,
Visionary CEO

“I stopped running into walls in my life!”

The Grow Your Dreams Intensive is a

lot more than goal-setting
— it teaches you to listen to your gut and incorporate your own spiritual path into filling your dreams. This program helps you
figure out where you want to go
, and makes you accountable to yourself so you
actually fulfill your goals
. As a result I
ive a better and happier life now; I’m calmer and see the big picture.

Pamela’s very good at

uncovering what’s blocking you
, what’s at the core of the problem, and helping you
find solutions that can be SO EASY
I often wonder “why didn’t I think of that?!”

If you want to stop running into walls in your life and start walking through doorways
, I definitely recommend this program!

Jen Tom
Founder & Director

“The best experience of self-motivation ever! Enormous focus and clarity.”

I heartily endorse Pamela’s Clarity Course. It helped me see that

the answers I was seeking are within me already
; guided me to create a relevant vision board; and helped me translate the vision board into personal and business goals — with immediate, actionable steps.

I found the clarity I was seeking
. And I accomplished every action step I set for this month! It is
extremely energizing to see the progress I’ve already made
toward my goals. This is the best experience of self-motivation I ever felt!


enormous power of focus and clarity
is an energizing force driving me each day since. Thank you, Pamela, I have greatly benefited from your guidance.

Mark Kapsky, Entrepreneur | Business Owner

“I overcame a history of abuse and neglect, and developed my hidden gifts. I have such love and respect for Pamela’s work!”

Hear from Judi Galgozy (mom, healer, entrepreneur) in this 2 minute audio:

Judi Galgozy, Sacred Root Healing
Sacred Root Kava Lounge
Ithaca NY

“One of the most precious gifts of my adult life!”

When I signed up for this course I was supporting my son’s journey with Autism while also trying to support my military spouse and caring for all the demands of our family in his absence.

I put everyone else’s needs above my own!

I lost touch with everything that was important to me, outside of being my son’s #1 champion. I felt that I was failing not only my spouse, but also myself. Depression hovered.

The grace and serenity in Pamela’s voice captured me from the first call. I immediately recognized a joyful, effervescent, and playful spirit in each word she spoke. As I continued with the course, I felt so encouraged to relax and breathe into this experience. Pamela has a gift for inspiring the best within you.

Her guidance through the amazing process and exercises of the Clarity Course allowed me to get out of my own way. I will be forever grateful — it is through this experience I have truly discovered CLARITY and reclaimed myself.

I wouldn’t be where I am without this course. I can’t thank you enough!

Emily W.

Mother Inspired by the Gift of Autism

Joyfully Creating a Vibrant Life

“I couldn’t stop talking about this course!”

I chose the Clarity Course to resolve something that had troubled me for years. I got that, and much more.

Pamela’s unique insights into often-used techniques reconnected me to a deep part of myself I had lost sight of. The process released energy and creativity that are benefiting not just myself, but also my loved ones and my clients.

This course

made a profound difference for me
, and I
highly recommend it, for deep and lasting change

Marilyn Haun, M.Ed.

“Finally healed my deep sadness! Transforming it into fulfilling my soul’s potential and heart’s desire.”

I just want to say thank you so much for the

incredible Healing and Transformation Retreat

The traumatic memory has been coming back to me, and I cried for a few days afterwards, but honestly I felt a

huge relief.
My body (and inner child) have obviously been trying to tell me this for a long time…
My soul feels at peace now

It was so hard to hear my inner voice
in the
beginning; I realized how cut off I have been from Source, who has been trying to speak with me for so long! Now when I connect the feeling is just divine and
the answers I get are so helpful and incredibly moving

I feel such a great shift — I can’t tell you how much you have helped me in every way!
Through your gifts and energy and love I am finally managing to heal and transform my deep sadness into fulfilling my soul’s potential and heart’s desire. Your further insights into how I can use my gifts within my work, as well as all the other encouragement and tips and support you have given me is something I have
never experienced before.
I am
so touched and truly thankful

It will be very interesting to see what unfolds after the

profound and empowering work
we did. Thank you so much again for everything! You are absolutely an angel on this earth plane. I love you with my whole heart and soul.

Anonymous | Dubai

“I let go of my anger and resentment, and feel the joy that’s been missing for a long time!”

If I hadn’t done a private Healing and Transformation Retreat with Pamela I would still be

mired in anger and resentment and a hopeless feeling
about the future. Instead I feel calm and happy and am looking forward to the future come what may.

Pamela is such a loving, encouraging, knowledgeable person and that has allowed me to

see the good in myself in areas where before I saw only bad

Working with Pamela has

enabled me to have the self confidence to move forward
with my life in a positive frame of mind, to let go of my anger and resentment and to feel the joy that had been missing from my life for a long time. Thank you Pamela!

Becky B. | Longtime Caregiver
Getting divorced and starting a new life

“I was very stuck and exhausted. Now EVERYTHING has opened up! I’m really happy.”

Work: When I started working privately with Pamela 3 months ago, I was frustrated and tired of my job. Now I still work at the same environmental organization, but it’s

whole different experience
, with new projects and exciting opportunities: I work in a more exciting and interesting area, I get to help develop the concepts and ideas, and I bring people together to work on projects — all welcome changes.

Health: When I started, I was exhausted. Now my

health has improved greatly
. I feel more energetic and lighter. My husband was recovering from cancer, and now he is healthy too, and he’s teaching and has a lot of energy and extra time. The work he does is a great fit, and we have achieved all of our goals as far as his work is concerned.

Socially, we used to feel isolated and alone. Now we both have energy and more financial resources, so we are reconnecting with people we want to connect to.

Everything is opening up

Overall it has been really helpful:

I am much calmer
and less concerned with external things. I have
more energy and a more pleasant day-to-day experience
and I find activities less tiring. One of the biggest benefits is that I got in touch with parts of myself that have concerns or fears influencing my daily life, and working with them allowed me to feel calmer and more energetic, so now I
have time to do the things I want
Life is easier
. I healed parts of me and I
feel much better.

Pamela’s whole

Soul Guidance process is unique
, with her different tools of using belief statements and alignments. In my past work with a coach, it was very much “What is going on today? ” It was not
, as it is working with Pamela.
Working with Pamela was a
path to resolve old issues and stick to my bigger goals

If I had not done this work, I would still be stuck and exhausted. Pamela is gifted at helping people

the right focus
– the
whole process was efficient, powerful and effective
. Going from one point to another with great clarity on the path has left me feeling content. I am now empowered to dialogue with myself as new situations arise and I have tools for making decisions and a way to address fears or concerns.
I am really happy with what I accomplished!

Lina Barrera, Environmental Policy Specialist

“I’m FREE of depression and anxiety! Pamela offers a map to discover your Truth.”

When I began working with Pamela just 6 sessions ago, I was dealing with

and an
absence of joy. I had no sense of direction
. I questioned myself, and I questioned everything. I was feeling
restless and anxious
. My life was not bad; but inside I felt
something was missing

Since then I’ve come to a place of

acceptance, well-being, and appreciation
. I have a better understanding of myself, and no longer take myself or my circumstances as seriously as I used to. I am
feeling better than ever
regardless of circumstances
— and my anxiety level has dropped significantly and I am free of depression. I feel fearless! (Except for poisonous snakes maybe ;-p)

In the past I sought help from therapists, who help clients work through their issues by using theories and academic studies.

work Pamela does is different
; it guides you to answer your own questions.

I had done a lot of forgiving at the intellectual level, but

now the
forgiving has been done with my heart
as well: I fully understand that the people who hurt me were themselves victims of their own limitations, pain, and fear. Realizing this is
! I now feel connected with everyone and everything.

Pamela is passionate about helping people

find the Love that is everywhere
especially in every person’s core.
She provides a sense of trust, worthiness, freedom, and safety that let me explore areas of myself that I did not know existed. I loved dialoguing with unwanted entities I didn’t even know about, and becoming acquainted with my Personal, Universal, and Internal guides.
From this point on, there is no way I can ever feel alone

As a result,

I feel whole and in touch with myself
. I have come to understand that because we are all One and the Same, there is nothing to hide (except maybe the passwords for my internet accounts. ;-p)

Working with Pamela made me

feel worthy
— that I have a right to be who I am, and I am enough as I am — which helped me
become self-confident
, so I can follow my heart and speak my own truth.
I do a lot more of that now

And I’ve discovered that I am a seeker and a healer…

I really liked that we could do sessions from the comfort of home via Skype, and how Pamela uses a

proven method
to help people work through their specific issues and guide them to
find the Source within
. I love that she is accepting and a good listener, and much appreciated her flexibility and unwavering patience.

If I hadn’t worked with Pamela, I’d

still be stuck wondering and wandering
about, looking for answers outside myself. Life wouldn’t be bad, just business as usual… and I
have missed out on a LOT
. During my work with Pam, I have gathered
tools I can use for life.

Pamela is

gifted at guiding and supporting you through rough spots
until the issue is resolved, even when the situations are deeply charged with emotions. She’s expert at
going to the root of the problem
, seeing clearly through the issue, and working through it.

Working with Pamela is the best thing you can do for yourself! She offers you

a map to discover your own truth
, and each session feels like a
date with a dear friend


Nadine Marty | France

“Without this work I doubt we’d still be together.”

Working with Pamela on

Soulful Reconnecting for Couples
has been a great blessing to our relationship. Without it, I doubt my partner and I would still be together… There is lots of love, but many challenges as well. Our egos are all so fragile! (I heard you can get unbreakable ones on Amazon ) It’s
so easy to misunderstand and get upset.

I love Pamela’s concept of

“Letting Love Win
.” It’s quite encompassing. With Pamela’s loving wisdom I feel we can meet any challenge. We both feel very lucky to have her in our lives.

Eliot Fiks (and Adriana Gomez)

“I was skeptical — but where I was stuck in a rut, my entire life has changed and now I’m energized and excited.”

When I found Pamela, I was stuck, I was in a deep rut. My energy was completely tapped out by the end of my work day; I had nothing left. I had

dozens of aspirations
that I wanted to implement in my life, but instead of exciting or energizing me, they just weighed me down. I simply
could not summon the energy
to do not only things I wanted to do, but also things I really needed to do to take control of my life.

Then I had my Discovery Session with Pamela and on that fateful day,

everything started to change

I came to Pamela with the same issues that I think challenge a lot of people –

I was out of balance, wanted to take control of my health and my finances, and wanted to determine what my life purpose is
. I did not know how to get back into balance, the thought of taking control of my health and my finances was completely overwhelming, and I had no idea what my life’s purpose is. Although unpleasant, it was easier to stay in my rut… except finally it wasn’t.

I was a little bit skeptical
– how could someone else coach me to do things that I was not able to do for myself? But I presented my issues to Pamela, she listened to where I was coming from and then confidently told me that she could definitely help me. Her confidence was exhilarating; with a feeling of relief (and honestly a lingering shadow of uncertainty) I decided then and there to
make an investment in myself
and signed her up.

It has been less than a year since that fateful day, but

my entire life has changed
. It’s not perfect – I am still taking steps to get my health and my finances in order, and the purpose of my life has yet to fully reveal itself. But
I am not overwhelmed anymore
. I’m not in a rut, I’m moving forward a little every day,
I feel good
. My work days are just as long as they were before, but
now I come home energized and excited

Now I

maintain order in my home
; I am
cooking my own meals
; I
more; I launched an
Etsy store
; and I am taking a class to learn how to give angel card readings – and even with all of this, somehow I’m
getting more sleep.
(I used to have no energy to do anything, including, ironically, going to bed at a decent hour!) Pamela assisted me in
learning how to take the reins of my life
and it’s a process, but one that I finally feel equipped to implement and enjoy.

Lee W. | Boston, Massachusetts

“After a decade of being stuck, a miraculous unfoldment! Pamela’s ‘technology of transformation’ is extraordinary and revolutionary.”

In the aftermath of working with Pamela, I find myself in the midst of a rather miraculous, multi-layered unfoldment. I am one single person, but my skills and talents are many. For nearly a decade, this had confused me beyond measure.


magical process
not only got me unstuck but also got me integrated and
in alignment with my truth, my heart, my inner guidance and my soul’s divine calling

With a humble, gentle and lovingly enthusiastic approach, Pamela

guided me through some
truly tough territory
. Her methods are nothing short of extraordinary and revolutionary. She attends to the moment with skill and presence, and she addresses the issue at hand with mindful creativity. Her process and her bag of tricks are really more of what I would call a technology.


a technology of transformation
, that operates in the subtle realms of spirit, energy and thought. “As above, so below,” so they say… and holy maraschino cherries… I got my cake and I’m eating it too!”

S.C. Williams

“Now I know I am loved, important, and put here for a purpose — I am at peace, and so many things are coming to fruition in my life!”

When I began the Grow Your Dreams Intensive small group program I was in turmoil — I couldn’t make decisions I could stick with, I doubted myself, and was a huge procrastinator — my life just seemed overwhelming. Deep down, I felt I wasn’t good enough to deserve a better life.

This program has been rich, life-changing, an unbelievable blessing
! It gave me permission to have a good life — to know that I am loved and important and put here for a purpose — and gave me the accountability and tools to grow my dreams. I am at peace now. And so many things are now coming to fruition in my life!

The GYDI tools were unbelievable: I brought some into my workplace and helped 2 young women; I was

amazed to
talk to God
and get direct answers in the journaling process you taught us; and your heart-breathing meditation led to
clairvoyant visions that came true

You are a sounding board: you

allow us to find our own solutions
just by talking
because you listen and draw out what we can’t verbalize well — so I could truly speak my mind and get answers about how to move forward. You are also
very honest, amazingly patient and genuinely care about people
— you helped us know we are good enough, we are truly loved and capable of loving. This created inner self-worth. Now I’m able to hold my head up high and create a whole vision for myself – I know I am worthy of having a good life and being whatever I want. I matter.


allowed me to be me
. I’m
mbracing my inner wisdom, and discovering that I have a capacity to be a healer and get intuitive guidance, which is very exciting! It’s been a wonderful transformation. This is a
very enriching experience that will change your life.
If it calls to you, do it now before the program is full — once the word gets out, there will be a line waiting!

Deborah N.
Dinner Party Hostess

“Eye-opening, heart-opening, and incredibly expanding… And the pain I’ve had for years is GONE.”

Pamela, thank you for the gift of this Retreat. It was

eye-opening and incredibly expanding
and a coming-together of like-minded people.

I, too, had a huge expansion
. Although I thought I was there to focus on the coming together of my project, where
the biggest impact happened was in my body. The pain in my hip that I’ve had for many years is gone
! Thank you for that healing. Now that I’m home, I have some additional work to do on my back. I got access to the tool you shared with us. Now, as always, the task is to take the time to actually use it.

Our hearts got opened together
in our own specific way, and I
loved sharing and being shared with
as each of us gave our gifts. Thank you, Pamela, for listening to your heart and bringing us together. I intend we each are thrust forward in our individual and collective expression to fulfill our every dream!

Thanks a million!

Mary, West Virginia

“I am BLOWN AWAY by your work! The changes are already so profound!”

Dr. Pamela, I am BLOWN AWAY by your work. Bless you, bless you, bless you! The changes in how I feel are already so profound. I really do feel I’ve

reconnected with my true self
. And I can already feel momentum.

After 27 years of practicing spiritual teachings and inner work
, I can see that I have very high potential, but it’s all been locked up. I’ve taken a number of carefully-screened, highly advanced programs but was
still blocked
in terms of results.

I now see and feel that your work, and the way you’ve streamlined it, are going to inform how my own work will newly fit together & evolve, and

finally be more do-able & useful

Sabine Treusein | Homer, Alaska

“I love our Sessions SOOO much. Every time! Thank you so much for your love and support.”

Dear Pamela,

Thank you again for our session.

I love them soooo much. Every time!
Thanks so much for your love and support.

I am so glad for having met you and being able to work with you. Our work has been such a gift for me!

Update: “After years alone, I found my soulmate!”

I want to share something beautiful with you that my heart is so happy to be able to share with you. And I want to thank you because you have been a big part of the process to receive this beautiful gift.

I am sitting at the airport in Berlin right now on my way to Zürich, to spend the next 2 weeks with the man of my heart and soul.

We met on Facebook in December and right away we had this amazing connection, spent hours and hours on the phone and fell in love before we ever even met in person. And when we met it was just magical. Our bodies connected instantly and our souls remembered sooooo much. So much of what you and I had been working on has already become a reality with him. It’s just incredible and so magical. We met again for a day in July and now we are going to spend the next 2 weeks together. I am so excited.

It feels so much like coming home when we are together. For both of us. We have the most amazing communication with each other. We share the same path and he even has the vision of us doing workshops together in the future. It feels really beautiful.

We also had a lot of stuff Coming up and it’s not always easy. But we always find a really good way to find back together even when anger or fear or old wounds are coming up. There is a deep trust in both of us, that a solution or healing will show up eventually.

It’s been a really exciting journey together so far and I am really looking forward for the time to come. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such an incredible guide and soul-support in the journey of getting here. Thank you so very much.

I am sending you a big hug and lots of Love,


Malina | Germany

“I couldn’t have wished for a better outcome!”

By taking ‘Inspired Action’ I’ve already made an

incredible, fortuitous contact with the perfect person
to help fulfill my big vision — and I’m not even done with the Grow Your Dreams Intensive.
could not have wished for a better outcome!

I got on track
in this program, which has made an enormous difference – before I started I couldn’t even see my path forward, and was struggling and feeling somewhat defeated.
Now I feel confident and capable
to take risks and actions to actualize my dreams.

Pamela is expert at keeping you on track, helping you focus and see what you’re missing, and digging up your real intentions – she

helps you come into yourself
in a way that has
a lot of
depth and heart

Janet W.
Professor making a career change

“You are one of the few who encourages people to use their own inner barometers to find their own truth.“

Dear Pamela,

I have been very interested in your work since I first met you (briefly) at the Ithaca Art Trail in 2008, when my sister and mother and I stopped in and visited your home to see your beautiful and inspiring artwork and you told us about your “Possibility Portraits.” I felt so lucky to get to see your work, and I’ve enjoyed receiving your emails throughout the years about your work as a thought leader and coach.

I have been so impressed and

inspired by your business and
how you created this wonderful life’s work
. First of all, when I learned about Possibility Portraits, I thought it was so creative and unique that you developed this concept on your own and carried it out. And seeing the portraits themselves brought
a strong sense of peace and unlimited possibilities

Overall, I really like how you emphasize the positive in life and encourage people to

listen to their inner voices
. It is clear that you have listened to that inner voice yourself, and are
motivated from a strong spiritual center to help others
. For many people, it is hard to even hear that inner voice, but you made it a priority and had the courage and drive to stick to it and develop such a unique and interesting life’s work.

You are one of the few people who speaks/writes/teaches on spiritual topics who really conveys her message in a positive and genuine way, and a way that

honors and encourages individuals
to use their own inner barometers to find their own truth. It’s a very rare gift, and I definitely see it in your writings. I also listened to the online call about a month ago and took notes, and I found it to be very inspiring and well crafted. You have a
strong and intelligent philosophy underpinning the positive messages
, and that is also very rare and valuable.

Thanks for reading this long letter! It is great to finally introduce myself to you, whom I have long admired.

Best wishes,

Amy Rosenberg | Philadelphia PA

“I’ve never been more motivated in my life!”

I’ve never been more motivated in my life to achieve my vision for my life. Your Vision-Powered Planning Retreat was a truly amazing experience! I strongly recommend this. Sometimes we must take the time to truly see what we want to achieve in our lives and our businesses.

Tracy Higginbotham, President

“Reconnected me to a deep part of myself I’d lost.”

I chose The Clarity Course to resolve something that had troubled me for some years. I got that, and much more.


unique insights
into often-used techniques reconnected me to a deep part of myself I had lost sight of. The process
released energy and creativity
that are benefiting not just myself, but also my loved ones and clients.

I couldn’t stop talking about this course!
It made a profound difference for me and I highly recommend it, for
deep and lasting change

Marilynn Haun, M.Ed.

“A tremendous catalyst for growth and change!”

The Clarity Course was BRILLIANT! It was a tremendous catalyst for growth and change in my life. It was an ideal experience in many ways, and the opportunity to interact with Pamela personally (in the Facebook group) really set this program above those I’ve encountered since. It was fun. It was practical. And I felt as though I learned so much about

clearing the path for what’s really important

It provided something tangible — a vision board that still graces my sacred space — and practical skills I keep returning to.

Pamela is a positive tour-de-force with a sincere dedication to helping others

manifest their most heartfelt and creative dreams

Deborah Long, aka Debbie Scribble

Writer | Director | Performer |debbiescribble.blogspot.com

“Now I Can Tap into Deep Wisdom & Support Whenever I Want!”

I discovered an

amazing resource — right at my fingertips — for accessing my guidance system
. And I can use images to tune into that deep inner knowing! Now I can see and feel my business on a much deeper level. I’ve realized our
personal awakening
is related to everything we do…

The biggest gift is the knowledge that I can

tap into those deep places of knowing, wisdom, guidance, and support whenever I want to
. And I love the way the images on my vision board continue to inform me, as new layers of their meaning reveal themselves.

If you’re considering doing The Clarity Course, you’ll enjoy it while you’re doing it, and

you’ll love the unfolding of wisdom and clear knowing that comes afterwards!

Natalie Hill, Gypsy with a Laptop

“I’ve used my vision board to construct a new life for myself. The best gift ever!”

My friend Julie gave me your terrific vision board workshop as a GIFT when I was in the midst of a major life transition 9 months ago. She knew that

my true self was emerging and needed some extra TLC
and nurturing to come out fully. It was
the best gift ever

My vision board has been

lighting the way for the woman I am becoming
, and I’ve used it to construct a whole new life for myself. Thank you again for what has become
an anchor in the most turbulent year of my life

My vision board reminds me that even if the ground feels unstable beneath me at this moment,

I am on a path
a path of my choosing that is good and true and solid
. And I’ve been
amazed at how the images
– some of which were there for no apparent conscious reason when I made the board in January –
have manifested
in my life since then, including the
realization of a dream I’ve held since I was 14

Kathleen, Academic Administrator | Artist | Traveler

“Just 20 months later, almost everything I envisioned has happened!”

“When I took the class, I was just starting a new business. I hoped to have a successful business, a more environmentally-friendly vehicle, better quality time with my family, and for my wife and I to have a baby (we’d been trying for a while). Now, just 20 months later –

almost everything I envisioned (and documented in the vision board) has happened!

My wife is 6 months pregnant! My business is steadily growing — and I’m helping more people. And I’m able to take time off to be with my family and community. (The biggest difference was that the Prius I bought last year was blue, instead of black like on the vision board…) I think the daily visual reminder of my goals helped me achieve them.

If I hadn’t taken this class, I’d still be trying to figure out not just

the direction to go in
– but what it would look like if I got there. We spend a very small amount of our time planning what we’d like life to be like.
This class is an opportunity to pause and vision the future of your hopes and dreams
. And now that
I’ve achieved mine
, I want to do it again with new ones. Thank you so much!

David Makar

Consultant | Trainer | Referral Institute Ithaca

“I went from absolute despair to absolute bliss: My HUSBAND turned out to be my soulmate!”

Dear Pamela,

I have been following you for a long time…. and since your divorce, my friend and I shared your life, since it so resembled ours… you resonated in us the pain… the longing…

Yesterday, I was supposed to end my 27 year relationship with my husband
… I had became someone soooo different to the person he married… spiritual…

Short story, in an

incredible unexpected outcome much easier to find in a Hollywood movie than here on Earth
… HE turned out to be my soul mate: I spoke my whole truth, he received it, accepted it, and
fell in love with me all over again

What had I asked the Universe for? A Wholehearted Love…

How had I asked for it? In a vision board (yes, you may see your guidance, I took your class some years ago and

never stopped using this incredible magic

My vision board had a picture of him and me, running into the Ocean (we know what the Ocean means, don’t we?)…

It looked impossible,
Pam. He was/is the most conservative, structured guy who had married the most conservative, strict girl… He stayed put… I moved to become who I am today…a hippy, unconventional, pure movement and change as we can get to be… a multi-dimensional being of Light…

The pain was unbearable
… I didn’t want to leave him behind, yet he never wanted to take my hand to raise him Up, and ascend together… Until yesterday.

I cannot tell you how I went from absolute despair (we have 4 young children together, and a long history, I am 43, met him when I was 15)… to absolute bliss


You have to know how you are literally reaching across the Ocean…

to the essence of our Souls
… We are drops, going back Home…

Much Love, Light & Blessings on your journey… I am so happy for you too, how it is turning out, I feel like we are old friends, catching up.”

Maria Victoria | Novaro Hueyo, Argentina

The Book – The Soul Guide to a Magical Life

For people who want to
get unstuck
and get clear
rid of blocks and old fears
like money issues, fear of flying, writer’s block, bad habits;
get deep clarity
about your business, calling or life direction;
your challenging situation, so you can move forward with peace and power; become
more confident
more magnetic
in minutes; discover how to
heal your relationship

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